Manipulation Under Anesthesia, also known as MUA is a gentle, yet intensive, noninvasive outpatient procedure for acute and chronic conditions. This procedure is used by specially trained chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons.
Manipulation under anesthesia, also known as MUA is a procedure that helps a number of chronic conditions such as neck pain, mid back pain, low back pain, muscle spasm, decreased spinal range of motion, chronic fibromyalgia, sciatica, disc bulges, failed back surgery, chronic headaches, and nerve entrapment. Most patients selected for this procedure have received at least six to eight weeks of conservative care such as chiropractic, or physical therapy with minimal relief. By administering spinal manipulations while the patient is under light anesthesia, previously painful adjustments and movements are accomplished quickly and pain free. This helps to improve and restore range of motion. Sedation is necessary in order to shut off the muscle spasm cycle and pain perceiving nerves. This allows complete muscle relaxation, allowing the MUA certified chiropractor gently manipulate the joints to restore range of motion, reduce restrictive scar tissue, and reduce the misalignment of the spine. The procedure typically lasts 15 to 20 minutes and is performed in a state licensed out patient surgical center. MUA is performed by a medical team which includes an anesthesiologist, MUA certified physicians, and high tech registered nurses (RNs). The MUA procedure is most effective when repeated three days consecutively. After the procedure the patient should experience an immediate increase in range of motion and dramatic pain reduction. The patient may experience some temporary muscle soreness similar to that of completing an intense exercise session. After the MUA procedure the patient should follow a rehabilitation program developed by your chiropractor in order to maintain the results. Prior to treatments the patient must undergo a screening process to determine if MUA is a viable option for the patient. The screening process includes a medical history and physical examination, as well as diagnostic testing such as x-rays, MRI scans, or CT scans to support the need for treatment. Dr. Chris McNeil is a certified MUA chiropractor. If you are suffering from a chronic condition including neck pain, back pain, chronic muscle spasm, decreased spinal range of motion, fibromyalgia, sciatica, nerve entrapment, failed back surgery, chronic headaches, frozen shoulder, or any condition related to injuries sustained in a car accident please contact McNeil Chiropractic to see how Dr. McNeil can help. For more information visit our website at:
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