Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur when the spine and posture is out of allignment pinching on the nerves in the neck and upper back. These pinched nerves cause the pain, numbness, neck pain, tingling, and weakness associated with carpal tunnel. |
You're working at your desk, trying to ignore the ache and numbness in your hand and wrist. The you feel the sharp, piercing pain up your arm and suddenly your neck feels stiff and tight. You notice your grip weakens and you have been dropping things more frequently over the past few months. If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common, progressive over-use injury of the wrist, where the bones of the wrist misalign and put pressure on the median nerve. Anti-inflammatories, exercises, resting the area, and wearing splints do not work. Your doctor may suggest surgery, in which the transverse carpal ligament is cut in order to release the pressure on the median nerve. After surgery you will have to wear a wrist splint for several weeks and the pain and numbness may take several months to subside, if at all. It is not uncommon that surgical decompression fails. One study revealed that a group of patients with chronic nerve compression at the wrist had a 93.2% failure rate after surgery and medical management. Medical doctors suggest the problem is all in your head and tell you that you may have to live with severe pain for the rest of your life.
If you are suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome or you are iving with the pain from surgical decompression failure, there is hope. Research shows the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is not in your wrist, but it may be coming from a problem in your neck known as double crush syndrome. Studies have shown that compression of the nerve often occurs at the wrist and in the neck. Researchers found that 75% of patients studies who had carpal tunnel also had nerve root irritation or damage in the neck and upper back. As a result, proper alignment is important at the wrist, elbow, and neck to prevent compression of the nerves that cause the pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
You do not have to suffer, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic adjustments give quick relief without drugs or surgery. Misalignments in the spine at the neck and upper back cause abnormal compression on the discs, joints, and nerves which leads to arthritis, degeneration, pain, numbness, and weakness. All of which are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Over-use of the wrist and elbow, poor posture, and lack of spinal maintenance can begin the process of spinal misalignment and nerve compression. Jobs like waitressing, cashiers, carpenters, computer operators, painters, and assembly line workers are all candidates for nerve compression and carpal tunnel syndrome. Since most people do not know that proper spinal maintenance can prevent nerve compression and the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic care is often over looked. McNeil Chiropractic can help. Chiropractors are experts in diagnosing and correcting spinal misalignments and misalignments of joints such as wrists, elbows, shoulders, and knees. These misalignments are the cause of many spinal conditions such as neck pain, back pain, headaches/migraines, sciatica, numbness, disc bulges, carpal tunnel, and even sinus problems. A simple chiropractic examination can determine if your carpal tunnel is caused by spinal misalignments. Dr. McNeil will perform a thorough chiropractic examination for free. He will then develop a course of care plan consisting of specific postural adjustments, postural exercises, and postural tractions to correct misalignments in the neck, upper back, and wrist. With improved structure and function the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome will diminish and eventually totally disappear. McNeil Chiropractic helps patients achieve relief without addictive drugs, harmful side effects, or painful, expensive surgery. One study showed that 98% of patients with double crush syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome were relieved of their symptoms with chiropractic adjustments alone. Visit our website for more information about how McNeil Chiropractic can help.
Also, click the link beow to watch Dr. McNeil's video on carpal tunnel syndrome.
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If you are suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome or you are iving with the pain from surgical decompression failure, there is hope. Research shows the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is not in your wrist, but it may be coming from a problem in your neck known as double crush syndrome. Studies have shown that compression of the nerve often occurs at the wrist and in the neck. Researchers found that 75% of patients studies who had carpal tunnel also had nerve root irritation or damage in the neck and upper back. As a result, proper alignment is important at the wrist, elbow, and neck to prevent compression of the nerves that cause the pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
You do not have to suffer, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic adjustments give quick relief without drugs or surgery. Misalignments in the spine at the neck and upper back cause abnormal compression on the discs, joints, and nerves which leads to arthritis, degeneration, pain, numbness, and weakness. All of which are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Over-use of the wrist and elbow, poor posture, and lack of spinal maintenance can begin the process of spinal misalignment and nerve compression. Jobs like waitressing, cashiers, carpenters, computer operators, painters, and assembly line workers are all candidates for nerve compression and carpal tunnel syndrome. Since most people do not know that proper spinal maintenance can prevent nerve compression and the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic care is often over looked. McNeil Chiropractic can help. Chiropractors are experts in diagnosing and correcting spinal misalignments and misalignments of joints such as wrists, elbows, shoulders, and knees. These misalignments are the cause of many spinal conditions such as neck pain, back pain, headaches/migraines, sciatica, numbness, disc bulges, carpal tunnel, and even sinus problems. A simple chiropractic examination can determine if your carpal tunnel is caused by spinal misalignments. Dr. McNeil will perform a thorough chiropractic examination for free. He will then develop a course of care plan consisting of specific postural adjustments, postural exercises, and postural tractions to correct misalignments in the neck, upper back, and wrist. With improved structure and function the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome will diminish and eventually totally disappear. McNeil Chiropractic helps patients achieve relief without addictive drugs, harmful side effects, or painful, expensive surgery. One study showed that 98% of patients with double crush syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome were relieved of their symptoms with chiropractic adjustments alone. Visit our website for more information about how McNeil Chiropractic can help.
Also, click the link beow to watch Dr. McNeil's video on carpal tunnel syndrome.
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