Problems can start with the spine and affect the extremities or they can begin with an extremity, such as a knee or an ankle and then create further problems in the spine. Either way, many sports related injuries involve the spine.In the past, sports injuries were limited to professional athletes, now there are more and more people (men & women) participating in regular sports and fitness activities. The majority of people are involved in such activities as golf, tennis, running, and activities such as aerobic classes or weigh t training. Unfortunately, injuries can not fully be avoided. No matter what activity a person does there is always the risk of injury. There are two major types of injuries, trauma injuries which include slip and fall accidents, or sport collisions and over-use injuries, also known as repetitive stress injury. Over-use injuries are most commonly experienced by those of us who are not professional athletes. For example, simple household chores can mimic a sport injury or over-use injury. Most people ask why do we get injured? The simple answer is that we play too hard, too long, or too fast. For example an over-use injury can occur by playing full speed before the body is fully warmed up. This is why it is very important to stretch and warm up the body before participating in any sports or fitness activities. If an injury does occur it is important to receive chiropractic care to ensure the injury heals properly and to help prevent future injuries from occurring. Many people do not understand how important it is to receive chiropractic care for a sport injury. Most people who experience an over-use injury may not believe the injury is that serious and think by resting the injury they will be healed in a couple of days. Rest is good, but alone it can take a long time for an injury to heal completely and if a person begins participating in a sport or activity too soon after an injury it will only make the injury worse or more severe. Why do you need a chiropractor for a sport injury? Chiropractic offers a balanced approach to the treatment and healing of sports injuries. Chiropractic care helps restore function to spinal joints that are fixated and not moving properly. Also, chiropractic care helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation that often occurs after an injury. By using postural adjustments to return spinal segments to there normal mobility and by using spinal rehab therapy to help supportive tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, McNeil Chiropractic can help the injured area return to normal function. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments depend upon proper joint movement for peak performance and at McNeil Chiropractic we know that sports injuries to these tissues can reduce range of motion, decrease blood supply, and takes you out of the game. Dr. McNeil can help get you back in the game sooner by using advanced chiropractic and rehab services to help normalize spinal function which speeds the healing of soft tissue and the injured area. This will help the injured area heal correctly and completely. After the injury has healed strategies for exercise and stretching will be discussed as well as the benefit of maintaining normal spinal function through regular chiropractic adjustments. Following these simple recommendations will help prevent future injuries and allow you, the athlete, to fully enjoy your chosen sport or activity. Many pro athletes utilize chiropractic care because they realize it helps maximize their athletic performance and helps prevent injuries. Whether you golf, play tennis, bicycle,or bowl, the best treatment for sports injuries is prevention! It is important for anyone involved in sports or fitness activities to utilize chiropractic care to keep their body healthy and prevent injury. Dr. McNeil specializes in sports injuries and has had great success correcting the cause of many sports injuries. Click the link to watch Dr. McNeil's video about sport injuries and how chiropractic can help. the website to hear patient testimonies and see if we can help you with your sport injury.

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