What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a disorder that causes an abnormal sideways curving of the spine. This often occurs in childhood when the bones of the spine are still growing. Scoliosis is about two times more common in girls than boys and it is most common in children over ten years old.
Though the exact cause of scoliosis is unknown, it is thought that scoliosis is the result of a hereditary problem or an adaptation to some type of trauma, such as the birth process or an injury, such as falling off a bicycle. Since children fall more than 2,500 times by the time they are five years old, scoliosis is a very common condition seen in children. Spinal bones continue to grow well into the early 20s, so if left untreated scoliosis often worsens. There are three main types of scoliosis:
Functional scoliosis is when the spine is normal but an an abnormal curve develops because of another problem in the body. For example, one leg being shorter than the other or muscle spasms in the back may cause functional scoliosis. Neuromuscular scoliosis is when there is a problem when the bones of the spine are formed. In this type of scoliosis the bones of the spine may have failed to form completely or the bones failed to separate from each other. This type of scoliosis is much more severe and is often caused by other disorders such as, birth defects, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy. Degenerative scoliosis occurs in older adults unlike the other types that are often seen in children and teens. This type of scoliosis is often caused by changes in the spine due to arthritis. The weakening of ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue as well as bone spurs leads to the abnormal curvature of the spine in many older adults.
In most cases scoliosis is not painful and the most common symptom is the abnormal curve of the spine. In some cases, back pain may be a symptom, but this is often dismissed as "growing pains" in children. A simple examination can detect scoliosis. Scoliosis is usually detected from a low shoulder or hip, from the head appearing off center, or poor posture. Regular chiropractic examinations can reveal these small problems before they become serious. The medical approach to the treatment of scoliosis has been to wait and see how bad it gets, resulting in the use of unsightly braces and eventually surgery. McNeil Chiropractic's approach is to use specific postural and spinal adjustments, combined with corrective postural exercises to return the spine to a healthy and normal position. Dr. McNeil has had excellent success with scoliosis cases! He has treated patients young and old with cases of scoliosis ranging from mild to severe and received great results. Many of Dr. McNeil's scoliosis patients were able to correct the problem and avoid surgery and braces. McNeil Chiropractic specializes in spinal rehabilitation and are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles, and connective tissues that make up about 60% of your body. If you or someone you know has scoliosis call McNeil Chiropractic at 586-566-2273 to schedule an appointment with Dr. McNeil to see how he can help you.
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