Perfect posture month is observed each year in may all around the world to help raise awareness about body alignment and overall health. Good posture is part of good health and chiropractic care can help maintain good health.
May is national perfect posture month and McNeil Chiropractic is encouraging everyone to take a look attheir personal posture habits to avoid problems caused by bad posture. First, everyone needs to be aware of
how important good posture is and how bad posture can effect your overall health. Posture is the window to the spine and since the spine is the basis of your posture, poor posture magnifies spinal misalignments and nerve functions. Dr. McNeil is certified in the Chiropractic Bio Physics (CBP) technique of spinal
rehabilitaion, which he uses to achieve a normal spinal and postural position. At McNeil Chiropractic we work to correct bad posture and misalignments by using a series of postural adjustments, postural exercises, and postural tractions. Dr. McNeil is the only chiropractor in Macomb County certified to use the unique CBP technique of postural adjustments, exercises, and tractions. Also, Dr. McNeil addresses lifestyle choices and helps patients improve these choices and improve their overall health. According to the International Chiropractors Association (ICA), good posture supports proper balance for the body,
alignment of the muscles, joints, and ligaments, and is essential to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Poor pposture can limit your range of motion, increase dicomfort and pain, and interfere with healthy organ function, contributing to many health concerns. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, high blood pressure, asthma, digestive issues, and hormone problems are among the problems that may be caused by poor posture. Dr. McNeil has had great success correcting all of these problems.Click the link to hear
patient success stories from McNeil Chiropractic.
A postural evaluation by Dr. McNeil can help identify if you have misalignments and symptoms effecting the normal functioning of your nervous system. Also, you should be aware of your body alignment and watch for signs of bad posture. Head tilted or turned to one side, shoulders, hips, and knees not of equal height, overarched back, and forward head posture are all signs of bad posture. It is most important for anyone working in an office setting to maintain good posture by following simple ergonomic training techniques. For example, your desk should be elbow high, your mouse should be at a comfortable distance
from your body, and you should get up and stretch periodically throughout the day. Dr. McNeil is certified in Ergonomic Training and can teach anyone how to avoid pain and discomfort while working. Dr. McNeil knows that ergonomic training increases the comfort, safety, and productivity of your workplace. Please remember that good posture is part of good health and you can maintain good health through regular
chiropractic adjustments and a healthy lifestyle. Visit our website for our new patient special offer. Come to McNeil Chiropractic and let us help you maintain good health and good posture.
McNeil Chiropractic uses the unique system of Chiropractic Bio Physics (CBP) to achieve a normal spinal and postural position. Dr. McNeil is the first chiropractor in MI to certify in CBP and the only certified chiropractor in Macomb County.

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