There are many factors that may cause back pain such as improper sitting or lifting, over exertion, muscle strains, accidents, work injuries, and sports injuries. No matter what causes back pain the symptoms are usually the same. Symptoms of back pain include persistent aching or stiffness anywhere along the spine, sharp, stabbing pain in one area of the back, pain that radiates through the buttock and down the legs, or severe muscle spasms. These painful symptoms are often treated with pain medication. This form of treatment may temporarily relieve the pain but it does not correct the underlying problem that is causing back pain. Also, pain medications have many serious, harmful side effects. If you are experiencing numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, or if the pain increases when you cough or bend at the waist call your chiropractor immediately. Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles, and connective tissues that make up 60% of your body. Studies show that chiropractic treatment is safer and more effective than the use of pain medication or back surgery. About 22 million Americans visit chiropractors annually and of these, 7.7 million are seeking relief from some form of back pain. Simple tests can determine if your back pain is a chiropractic condition. Tests include medical history, physical examination, diagnostic testing, and x-rays. The chiropractic approach to back pain is to help restore a normal motion and position of affected spinal bones through the use of hands-on spinal manipulation. Dr. McNeil uses specific postural adjustments, postural exercises, and postural traction to relieve pain and help others maintain a healthy spinal position. Heat, ice, and massage therapies are also used to help patients suffering from back pain. Dr. McNeil has helped many people suffering from back pain avoid surgery and achieve relief without the use of pain medications. If you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel, scoliosis, disc problems, or have been injured in an auto accident please contact Dr. McNeil to see how chiropractic care can help you.
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